Actual Rules:
- Please do not leave a comment unless it contains a caption for the image in that post. As much as I appreciate compliments, I'm afraid I'll be deleting any comments that just say something like "this is really nice". If you've got compliments or criticisms, you can leave those here!
- Please try to use correct grammar and spelling where possible, unless there is a specific reason that it would be funnier not to.
- If you read the existing comments, and somebody has already come up with a caption that's identical to the one you were going to post, I'm afraid you're out of luck with that idea, and you should come up with something different, or simply move on and make a caption for another cartoon.
- I have no problem with profanity if it actually makes your caption funnier, but I'll delete things that seem gratuitously offensive or make no sense at all.
- Feel free to post more than one caption, if you've come up with ones that are actually different from each other.
- The funniest New Yorker cartoons have captions that take readers slightly by surprise. They make you see the image in a way you might not have thought of immediately. In other words, "Try to think outside the box".
- Once you come up with a funny idea for a caption, think about the most concise, snappy way to word it. Short and sweet usually wins out and gets the most laughs!
- If you're giving a line of dialog to one of the characters in the cartoon, you should put it in quotes. If you're simply giving some narration to the entire image, leave the quotes off.
- If you want to leave a caption that's super topical, you can always do that, but I can't promise I'll get it (I generally have no idea what's going on with current events!).
- If you're looking for inspiration, here are some sample New Yorker Cartoons, and if you need more of the funny, The Cartoon Bank has thousands of New Yorker cartoons in a searchable database.