Just a Note...

-This comic has been created to have the same format as the New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest. Captions should be fairly short and sweet, and frequently take the form of a line of dialog, in quotes, for the character whose mouth is open.
-If you want to see an image larger, simply click on it to view the original.
-Leave your caption as a comment below the post, but first, see "The Rules"!
-Captions will appear once I've read them - I just want to make sure they make some sense, and to keep everything fun and silly and good-natured.


In case anybody is confused, the character with the knife is supposed to be made entirely of hay.

~~~ first ~~~ previous ~~~ next ~~~ last ~~~


  1. "If you leave me alone, I'll tell you where the sugar cube monster lives."

  2. Herman the Hay Monster knew his glue was drying out.
