Just a Note...

-This comic has been created to have the same format as the New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest. Captions should be fairly short and sweet, and frequently take the form of a line of dialog, in quotes, for the character whose mouth is open.
-If you want to see an image larger, simply click on it to view the original.
-Leave your caption as a comment below the post, but first, see "The Rules"!
-Captions will appear once I've read them - I just want to make sure they make some sense, and to keep everything fun and silly and good-natured.


Here's the caption I came up with for this one:

" Sometimes I worry that maybe I'm just a placebo. "

Add your own captions in the comments below!

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In case anybody is confused, the character with the knife is supposed to be made entirely of hay.

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Made for Each Other! (Caption Contest #1!)

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Sample New Yorker Cartoons

Here are some links to New Yorker cartoons in case you need inspiration or are wondering how the image and caption should play off of each other.

My favorites:
Tape Dispenser
I remember this one from when I was a kid

The Classics plus random ones found on Google Images that made me laugh:
On the Internet...
Snowy Sight Gag
Building Blocks
New Take on an Old Saying
Cute Jewish Joke
Doctor Humor, Ventriloquist Humor
Two great funny tropes thrown together!
Cute Dog Joke
When the Cat's Away....

A few of the thousands of entries from the Cartoon Kit contest held in 2009, in which participants were invited to create their own talk-show situation from pre-drawn elements and give it a caption. They provide an excellent example of the variations that are possible with one simple, iconic theme:
Cartoon Kit entry #1 - Cartoon Kit entry #2 - Cartoon Kit entry #3 - Cartoon Kit entry #4 -
Cartoon Kit entry #5 - Cartoon Kit entry #6 - Cartoon Kit entry #7 - Cartoon Kit entry #8 -
#9 - this one took me a few moments to get. - Cartoon Kit entry #10 -

Leave Compliments, Criticisms & Suggestions Here!

If you'd like to tell me pretty much anything, this is the place! Leave compliments, criticisms, questions, suggestions or any other sort of communication as a comment below this post. I would love to hear what you've got to say!

"The Rules" for contributors

Thank you so much for giving one of my cartoons a caption! Here are a few guidelines and helpful hints to keep everything on this site fun and interesting:

Actual Rules:
  • Please do not leave a comment unless it contains a caption for the image in that post. As much as I appreciate compliments, I'm afraid I'll be deleting any comments that just say something like "this is really nice". If you've got compliments or criticisms, you can leave those here!
  • Please try to use correct grammar and spelling where possible, unless there is a specific reason that it would be funnier not to.
  • If you read the existing comments, and somebody has already come up with a caption that's identical to the one you were going to post, I'm afraid you're out of luck with that idea, and you should come up with something different, or simply move on and make a caption for another cartoon.
  • I have no problem with profanity if it actually makes your caption funnier, but I'll delete things that seem gratuitously offensive or make no sense at all.
  • Feel free to post more than one caption, if you've come up with ones that are actually different from each other.
Some Hints for Making Funny Captions:
  • The funniest New Yorker cartoons have captions that take readers slightly by surprise. They make you see the image in a way you might not have thought of immediately. In other words, "Try to think outside the box".
  • Once you come up with a funny idea for a caption, think about the most concise, snappy way to word it. Short and sweet usually wins out and gets the most laughs!
  • If you're giving a line of dialog to one of the characters in the cartoon, you should put it in quotes. If you're simply giving some narration to the entire image, leave the quotes off.
  • If you want to leave a caption that's super topical, you can always do that, but I can't promise I'll get it (I generally have no idea what's going on with current events!).
  • If you're looking for inspiration, here are some sample New Yorker Cartoons, and if you need more of the funny, The Cartoon Bank has thousands of New Yorker cartoons in a searchable database.

Of Course I Can Illustrate Your Caption!

If you have a funny caption or idea for a comic floating in your brain and have been hoping for somebody to illustrate it for you, get in touch! Depending on how busy I am*, and whether I think I can draw whatever's in your head, I'd be happy to accept the challenge!

If you would simply like to have someone illustrate your idea, but you're okay with me retaining the rights to my image, I'm happy to do an illustration for free.
If you'd like to own the rights to use the comic for commercial purposes, you'll have to pay me. My rates are pretty reasonable. Either way, feel free to contact me: lookcloselypress [at] yahoo [dot] com.

*sometimes I'm just too busy to take on new projects, and it might happen that I am simply not interested in drawing a given idea, but I'll try and get back to you quickly either way.

Are There Prizes?

You may be asking yourself, "What do I get out of this arrangement where I give my own precious humor to this crazy artist? Will I win some sort of fabulous prize for coming up with the best caption?"

Well! That is exactly my plan! Once I have a large enough pool of readers submitting captions, I'm going to start picking a winner for each cartoon after people have had enough time to come up with a great caption. So, tell all your friends about Out of Scale, because the sooner I have enough people submitting captions for my pictures, the sooner YOU (yes, you!) could win fabulous prizes.

What kind of fabulous prizes am I talking about? I'm thinking that the first prize winner for each comic will receive a high-quality print of that comic, complete with their caption, and signed by me. There will also be Out of Scale themed buttons, magnets and other products made by me for runners up. We'll see where it goes!

If you're interested in winning fabulous prizes, just hang in there! Keep reading, bring in friends, and keep an eye out for the latest announcements.